Trailer Park Boys (2004-2018)

Total: 13494

Season 1 Ep 1: Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park - 45

15  Robb Wells
  9  Mike Smith
17  Bernard Robichaud
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  3  Jonathan Torrens


Season 1 Ep 2: Fuck Community College. Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers - 29

19  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
  4  Mike Smith
  2  Lucy Decoutere
  1  John Dunsworth
Misc 1


Season 1 Ep 3: Mr. Lahey's Got My Porno Tape! - 37

25  Robb Wells
  3  Mike Smith
  5  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Lucy Decoutere
  1  John Ghiz
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Patrick Roach


Season 1 Ep 4: Mrs. Peterson's Dog Gets Fucked Up - 60

46  Robb Wells
  2  Sam White
  7  Lucy Decoutere
  5  Jarrett Murphy


Season 1 Ep 5: I'm Not Gay, I love Lucy. Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay - 54

50  Robb Wells
  1  John Paul Tremblay
  2  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Ardon Bess


Season 1 Ep 6: Who the Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding? - 60

35  Robb Wells
  5  John Paul Tremblay
15  Mike Smith
  2  Cory Bowles
  1  Michael Jackson
  2  John Dunsworth


Season 2 Ep 1: What in the Fuck Happened to Our Trailer Park? - 108

74  Robb Wells
  5  John Paul Tremblay
19  Mike Smith
  1  Patrick Roach
  5  Kim Dunn
  3  Jonathan Torrens
Misc 1


Season 2 Ep 2: Jim Lahey Is a Drunk Bastard - 38

15  Robb Wells
  1  John Paul Tremblay
  7  Mike Smith
  1  Barrie Dunn
  8  Jonathan Torrens
  3  Sam Tarasco
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Michael Jackson


Season 2 Ep 3: I've Met Cats and Dogs Smarter Than Trevor and Cory - 67

48  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
  6  Mike Smith
  2  Cory Bowles
  2  Michael Jackson
  3  Jonathan Torrens
  3  Patrick Roach


Season 2 Ep 4: A Dope Trailer Is No Place for a Kitty - 90

53  Robb Wells
  6  John Paul Tremblay
23  Mike Smith
  7  Sam Tarasco
  1  Jonathan Torrens


Season 2 Ep 5: The Bible Pimp - 69

41  Robb Wells
  5  John Paul Tremblay
13  Mike Smith
  3  Jonathan Torrens
  4  Ed Macdonald
  3  Tania Rudolph


Season 2 Ep 6: Never Trust a Man with No Shirt On - 67

42  Robb Wells
  8  John Paul Tremblay
11  Mike Smith
  1  Patrick Roach
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Michael Jackson
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Barrie Dunn


Season 2 Ep 7: The Bare Pimp Project - 70

54  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
  6  Mike Smith
  2  Lucy Decoutere
  2  Jonathan Torrens
  2  Bernard Robichaud
  1  Michael Jackson
  1  Sam Tarasco


Season 3 Ep 1: The Kiss of Freedom - 93

68  Robb Wells
15  Mike Smith
  5  Jonathan Torrens
  1  John Dunsworth
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Barrie Dunn


Season 3 Ep 2: Temporary Relief Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor - 62

40  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
13  Mike Smith
  3  Jonathan Torrens
  2  Michael Jackson
  2  John Dunsworth


Season 3 Ep 3: If I Can't Smoke and Swear. I'm Fucked - 67

45  Robb Wells
  1  John Paul Tremblay
  6  Mike Smith
  4  Jonathan Torrens
  2  Cory Bowles
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  John Dunsworth
  5  Michael Jackson
Misc 2


Season 3 Ep 4: Who's the Microphone Assassin? - 102

32  Robb Wells
  1  John Paul Tremblay
15  Mike Smith
34  Jonathan Torrens
12  Garry James
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  3  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Michael Jackson
Misc 1


Season 3 Ep 5: Closer to the Heart - 101

56  Robb Wells
  7  John Paul Tremblay
31  Mike Smith
  4  Alex Lifeson
  1  John Dunsworth
  2  Patrick Roach


Season 3 Ep 6: Where in the Fuck Is Randy's Barbeque? - 57

40  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
  5  Mike Smith
  6  Cory Bowles
  2  John Dunsworth
  1  Barrie Dunn


Season 3 Ep 7: The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey - 82

46  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
11  Mike Smith
  6  John Dunsworth
  6  Cory Bowles
  1  Patrick Roach
  5  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Sarah Dunsworth


Season 3 Ep 8: A Shit Leopard Can't Change Its Spots - 76

58  Robb Wells
  5  John Paul Tremblay
  6  Mike Smith
  3  Cory Bowles
  1  Shauna MacDonald
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  2  Michael Jackson


Season 4 Ep 1: Never Cry Shitwolf - 79

50  Robb Wells
  6  John Paul Tremblay
  4  Mike Smith
  1  Cory Bowles
  5  John Dunsworth
  4  Barrie Dunn
  9  Jonathan Torrens


Season 4 Ep 2: A Man's Gotta Eat - 131

95  Robb Wells
  5  John Paul Tremblay
24  Mike Smith
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Michael Jackson
  2  Glen Grant
Misc 1


Season 4 Ep 3: Rub n Tiz'zug - 99

51  Robb Wells
  7  John Paul Tremblay
10  Mike Smith
  1  John Dunsworth
10  Jonathan Torrens
  2  Michael Jackson
  8  Bernard Robichaud
  1  Patrick Roach
  2  Sarah Dunsworth
  2  Tyrone Parsons
  4  Garry James
  1  Richard Collins


Season 4 Ep 4: The Green Bastard - 89

60  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
20  Mike Smith
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Patrick Roach
  2  Miles Mieli


Season 4 Ep 5: Conky - 119

86  Robb Wells
  6  John Paul Tremblay
20  Mike Smith
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  John Dunsworth
  2  Sam Tarasco
  2  Ian Tench
  1  Patrick Roach


Season 4 Ep 6: If You Love Something, Set It Free - 119

69  Robb Wells
  8  John Paul Tremblay
16  Mike Smith
11  Sarah Dunsworth
  3  John Dunsworth
  4  Tyrone Parsons
  2  Jonathan Torrens
  4  Cory Bowles
  2  Michael Jackson


Season 4 Ep 7: Propane, Propane - 92

51  Robb Wells
  4  John Paul Tremblay
24  Mike Smith
  1  Lucy Decoutere
  2  Patrick Roach
  1  Shelley Thompson
  4  Jonathan Torrens
  5  John Dunsworth


Season 4 Ep 8: Workin' Man - 153

108  Robb Wells
    5  John Paul Tremblay
  19  Mike Smith
    3  Sarah Dunsworth
    4  Jonathan Torrens
    1  John Dunsworth
    1  Patrick Roach
    1  Lucy Decoutere
    1  George Green
    5  Cory Bowles
    3  Michael Jackson
    2  Garry James


Season 4 Ep 9: Dear Santa Claus: Go Fuck Yourself - 134

94  Robb Wells
19  John Paul Tremblay
  8  Mike Smith
  6  John Dunsworth
  3  Lucy Decoutere
  1  Patrick Roach
  1  Barrie Dunn
Misc 2


Season 5 Ep 1: Give Peace a Chance - 150

63  Robb Wells
21  John Paul Tremblay
  7  Mike Smith
25  Mio Adilman
  7  Nobu Adilman
  2  Michael Jackson
12  Bernard Robichaud
  8  Barrie Dunn
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  4  John Dunsworth


Season 5 Ep 2: The Shit Puppets - 125

48  Robb Wells
13  John Paul Tremblay
  9  Mike Smith
  1  John Dunsworth
14  Bernard Robichaud
  5  Tyrone Parsons
  2  Lucy Decoutere
11  Nobu Adilman
  5  Mio Adilman
10  Sarah Dunsworth
  4  Jonathan Torrens
  3  Barrie Dunn


Season 5 Ep 3: The Fuckin' Way She Goes - 117

63  Robb Wells
10  John Paul Tremblay
11  Mike Smith
11  Barrie Dunn
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Tyrone Parsons
11  Jonathan Torrens
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  6  Lucy Decoutere


Season 5 Ep 4: You Got to Blame the Thing Up Here - 110

60  Robb Wells
  4  John Paul Tremblay
15  Mike Smith
11  Barrie Dunn
10  Jonathan Torrens
  7  Tyrone Parsons
  3  Lucy Decoutere


Season 5 Ep 5: Mr. Lahey Is a Fuckin' Drunk, and He Always Will Be - 64

36  Robb Wells
  7  John Paul Tremblay
14  Mike Smith
  3  Barrie Dunn
  3  John Dunsworth
  1  Patrick Roach


Season 5 Ep 6: Don't Cross the Shitline - 106

45  Robb Wells
  8  John Paul Tremblay
  1  Mike Smith
17  Barrie Dunn
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  5  Lucy Decoutere
13  Jonathan Torrens
  3  John Dunsworth
11  Tyrone Parsons


Season 5 Ep 7: The Winds of Shit - 102

60  Robb Wells
23  John Paul Tremblay
11  Mike Smith
  2  Barrie Dunn
  5  John Dunsworth
  1  Sarah Dunsworth


Season 5 Ep 8: Dressed All Over & Zesty Mordant - 79

40  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
22  Mike Smith
  6  John Dunsworth
  3  Kim Dunn
  4  Michael Jackson
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Lucy Decoutere


Season 5 Ep 9: I Am the Liquor - 84

29  Robb Wells
18  John Paul Tremblay
30  Mike Smith
  3  Michael Jackson
  2  Barrie Dunn
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Lucy Decoutere


Season 5 Ep 10: The Shit Blizzard - 96

33  Robb Wells
12  John Paul Tremblay
15  Mike Smith
  5  Jonathan Torrens
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  4  Cory Bowles
14  Bernard Robichaud
  8  Mio Adilman
  2  Nobu Adilman
  1  George Green


Season 6 Ep 1: The Way of the Road - 24

  8  Robb Wells
  3  Mike Smith
  1  Lucy Decoutere
  7  Barrie Dunn
  2  John Dunsworth
  3  Jonathan Torrens


Season 6 Ep 2: The Cheeseburger Picnic - 44

22  Robb Wells
  1  John Paul Tremblay
  3  Mike Smith
  2  John Dunsworth
  7  Patrick Roach
  1  Barrie Dunn
  6  Sam Tarasco
  2  Lucy Decoutere


Season 6 Ep 3: High Definition Piss Jugs - 21

14  Robb Wells
  6  Mike Smith
  1  Patrick Roach


Season 6 Ep 4: Where in the Fuck Is Oscar Goldman? - 40

29  Robb Wells
  3  Mike Smith
  1  Lucy Decoutere
  5  Barrie Dunn
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Pauline Kaill


Season 6 Ep 5: Halloween 1977 - 24

10  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
  2  Mike Smith
  6  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Sarah Dunsworth


Season 6 Ep 6: Gimme My Fuckin Money or Randy's Dead - 62

36  Robb Wells
  8  Mike Smith
  4  John Dunsworth
11  Sam Tarasco
  3  Richard Collins


Season 7 Ep 1: I Fuckin' Miss Cory and Trevor - 83

53  Robb Wells
  9  John Paul Tremblay
  5  Mike Smith
11  Barrie Dunn
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  2  John Dunsworth
  1  Jonathan Torrens
  1  George Green


Season 7 Ep 2: I Banged Lucy and Knocked Her Up... No Big Deal - 42

16  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
  1  Mike Smith
  1  Patrick Roach
  6  Barrie Dunn
  2  Sam Tarasco
10  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  3  Sarah Dunsworth


Season 7 Ep 3: Three Good Men Are Dead - 59

22  Robb Wells
  6  Mike Smith
  9  John Dunsworth
16  Barrie Dunn
  1  Jim Swansburg
  3  George Green
  1  Richard Collins
  1  Lucy Decoutere


Season 7 Ep 4: Friends of the Road - 71

32  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
14  Mike Smith
  3  Barrie Dunn
17  Sebastian Bach
  2  Duggan Shawn


Season 7 Ep 5: The Mustard Tiger - 84

64  Robb Wells
  3  John Paul Tremblay
  6  Mike Smith
  2  Jacob Rolfe
  8  Richard Collins
  1  Sam Tarasco


Season 7 Ep 6: We Can't Call People Without Wings Angels So We Call Them Friends - 79

52  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
13  Mike Smith
12  Jacob Rolfe


Season 7 Ep 7: Jump the Cheeseburger - 58

28  Robb Wells
  1  John Paul Tremblay
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Mike O'Neill
  9  Richard Collins
18  Sam Tarasco


Season 7 Ep 8: Let the Liquor do the Thinking - 53

22  Robb Wells
  4  John Paul Tremblay
  8  Mike Smith
  9  Lucy Decoutere
  3  Sebastian Bach
  5  John Dunsworth
  2  Jonathan Torrens


Season 7 Ep 9: Going Off the Rails on a Swayze Train - 78

55  Robb Wells
  2  John Paul Tremblay
  4  Mike Smith
  6  John Dunsworth
  2  Jacob Rolfe
  6  Sebastian Bach
  2  Patrick Roach
  1  George Canyon


Season 7 Ep 10: Going Off the Rails on a Swayze Train - 109

76  Robb Wells
  9  John Paul Tremblay
  14  Mike Smith
  2  Barrie Dunn
  3  John Dunsworth
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  4  Denny Doherty


Season 8 Ep 1: Money Can Suck My C**K - 143

83  Robb Wells
14  John Paul Tremblay
34  Mike Smith
  7  Sam Tarasco
  2  Jonathan Torrens
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Shelley Thompson
Misc 1


Season 8 Ep 2: The F**Kin' V-Team - 85

40  Robb Wells
  8  John Paul Tremblay
20  Mike Smith
  1  Cory Bowles
  2  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  2  Sam Tarasco
  3  Bernard Robichaud
  5  David Rossetti
  1  George Green
Misc 2


Season 8 Ep 3: The Dirty Dancer - 81

38  Robb Wells
20  John Paul Tremblay
  5  Mike Smith
  1  Patrick Roach
  2  Sam Tarasco
  1  John Dunsworth
11  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Tyrone Parsons
Misc 2


Season 8 Ep 4: Orangie's Pretty F**Kin' Tough - 89

55  Robb Wells
  8  John Paul Tremblay
23  Mike Smith
  1  John Dunsworth
  2  Jacob Rolfe


Season 8 Ep 5: Whore-A-Geddon - 111

47  Robb Wells
16  John Paul Tremblay
27  Mike Smith
  6  Doug Barron
  3  Leigh MacInnis
  4  John Dunsworth
  4  Angela Vermeir
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Max Humphreys
Misc 2


Season 8 Ep 6: Friends with the Benedicts - 92

47  Robb Wells
22  John Paul Tremblay
15  Mike Smith
  1  John Dunsworth
  1  Shelley Thompson
  2  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Leigh MacInnis
Misc 3


Season 8 Ep 7: Community Service and a Boner Made with Love - 106

47  Robb Wells
12  John Paul Tremblay
43  Mike Smith
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  1  Cecil Wright


Season 8 Ep 8: The Super-Duper-Industrial-Bubbles-Honey-Oil-Inator - 128

58  Robb Wells
  6  John Paul Tremblay
29  Mike Smith
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Patrick Roach
  4  Sam Tarasco
10  Bernard Robichaud
  7  John Dunsworth
  1  Jacob Rolfe
Misc 11


Season 8 Ep 9: Righties Loosies, Lefties Tighties - 94

39  Robb Wells
11  John Paul Tremblay
14  Mike Smith
  7  Bernard Robichaud
  4  Patrick Roach
  2  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  2  Tyrone Parsons
  2  Cory Bowles
  4  Sebastian Bach
  4  Jacob Rolfe
  4  John Dunsworth


Season 8 Ep 10: Crawling Through the Shitpipe - 176

63  Robb Wells
25  John Paul Tremblay
16  Mike Smith
  3  Sam Tarasco
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  4  Jacob Rolfe
  4  Jonathan Torrens
12  Sebastian Bach
  7  Tyrone Parsons
  6  Ron Lefchak
  4  Cory Bowles
12  Bernard Robichaud
19  John Dunsworth


Season 9 Ep 1: Why in the Fuck Is My Trailer Pink? - 96

40  Robb Wells
25  John Paul Tremblay
15  Mike Smith
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  2  Lucy Decoutere
  1  Shelley Thompson
  4  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Jeanna Harrison
  1  George Green
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  4  Marguerite Mcneil
Misc 1


Season 9 Ep 2: A Stable Fucking Environment - 114

57  Robb Wells
30  John Paul Tremblay
  8  Mike Smith
  1  Lucy Decoutere
  2  Jonathan Torrens
  9  David Rossetti
  5  Rasheed Montgomery
  2  Shane Anderson


Season 9 Ep 3: Anointed in Liquor - 140

58  Robb Wells
17  John Paul Tremblay
38  Mike Smith
  4  Marguerite Mcneil
  6  David Rossetti
  5  Darcy Lindzon
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  3  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Brian Heighton
  1  Shaun Clark
Misc 5


Season 9 Ep 4: George Green: Industrial Cock Inhaler - 103

46  Robb Wells
22  John Paul Tremblay
  8  Mike Smith
  1  David Rossetti
  1  Leigh MacInnis
12  Bernard Robichaud
  7  Jonathan Torrens
  4  Cory Bowles
  2  Travis Flint


Season 9 Ep 5: The Motel Can't Live at the Motel - 93

50  Robb Wells
19  John Paul Tremblay
14  Mike Smith
  2  Rasheed Montgomery
  1  Jonathan Torrens
  2  Lucy Decoutere
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  3  Marguerite Mcneil


Season 9 Ep 6: Sweet Liquory Load - 69

26  Robb Wells
10  John Paul Tremblay
  3  Mike Smith
  3  Jacob Rolfe
  3  Leigh MacInnis
  1  Patrick Roach
  1  Marguerite Mcneil
  5  Rasheed Montgomery
16  Jonathan Torrens
Misc 1


Season 9 Ep 7: Piss - 69

36  Robb Wells
  6  John Paul Tremblay
16  Mike Smith
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  7  Jonathan Torrens
  2  John Dunsworth
  1  Daniel Lillford


Season 9 Ep 8: A Dancer for Money - 86

45  Robb Wells
14  John Paul Tremblay
18  Mike Smith
  2  Marguerite Mcneil
  1  John Dunsworth
  3  Lucy Decoutere
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Jonathan Torrens
Misc 1


Season 9 Ep 9: Sam-Squamptches and Heli-Cocksuckers - 161

59  Robb Wells
40  John Paul Tremblay
27  Mike Smith
  6  Rasheed Montgomery
  2  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Jonathan Torrens
  2  John Dunsworth
11  Bernard Robichaud
  1  George Green
  9  Sam Tarasco
  1  Marguerite Mcneil


Season 9 Ep 10: The Liquor Snurf - 104

17  Robb Wells
11  John Paul Tremblay
  9  Mike Smith
10  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Cory Bowles
  6  John Dunsworth
  2  Lucy Decoutere
  8  Bernard Robichaud
  3  David Rossetti
  1  Jacob Rolfe
Misc (The Chant) 36


Season 10 Ep 1: Freedom 45? - 146

70  Robb Wells
22  John Paul Tremblay
26  Mike Smith
  5  Lucy Decoutere
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Patrick Roach
  2  Leigh MacInnis
  1  Marguerite McNeil
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Corey Bowles
10  Candy Palmater
Misc 4


Season 10 Ep 2: You Want the Lot Fees, Suck Them Out of the Tip of My Cock - 171

65  Robb Wells
41  John Paul Tremblay
18  Mike Smith
16  John Dunsworth
  6  Jonathan Torrens
  4  Shelley Thompson
  1  Brian Heighton
  1  Rasheed Monthgomery
  1  Patrick Roach
  5  Candy Palmater
  5  Marguerite McNeil
  3  Corey Bowles
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Matt Tolton
Misc 3


Season 10 Ep 3: A Three Tiered Shit Dyke - 176

78  Robb Wells
32  John Paul Tremblay
16  Mike Smith
  4  Lucy Decoutere
  5  Patrick Roach
  3  Sarah Dunsworth
  7  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Jenna Harrison
13  John Dunsworth
  5  Rasheed Monthgomery
  3  Tyrone Parsons
  9  Mike Cerrone


Season 10 Ep 4: Shit Covered Cave Teeth - 137

64  Robb Wells
23  John Paul Tremblay
13  Mike Smith
  8  Lucy Decoutere
  6  Sarah Dunsworth
  5  Brian Heighton
  7  John Dunsworth
  7  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Leigh MacInnis
  3  Tyrone Parsons


Season 10 Ep 5: If You Don't Believe It, It's Not Real - 164

65  Robb Wells
27  John Paul Tremblay
40  Mike Smith
  9  Lucy Decoutere
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  1  Patrick Roach
  1  Candy Palmater
  3  John Dunsworth
13  Sam Tarasco
  1  Shelley Thompson
  2  Corey Bowles
Misc 1


Season 10 Ep 6: All the Fuckin Dope You Can Smoke - 137

44  Robb Wells
50  John Paul Tremblay
24  Mike Smith
  3  Jonathan Torrens
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  2  Rasheed Monthgomery
  2  Leigh MacInnis
  3  John Dunsworth
  1  Shelley Thompson
  4  Candy Palmater
  1  Marguerite McNeil
Misc 2


Season 10 Ep 7: Up in Smoke We Go - 136

61  Robb Wells
18  John Paul Tremblay
11  Mike Smith
17  Lucy Decoutere
  2  Sarah Dunsworth
12  Snoop Dogg
  7  Tom Arnold
  1  Jonathan Torrens
  3  John Dunsworth
  2  Candy Palmater
Misc 2


Season 10 Ep 8: The Super Bling Cowboy - 122

43  Robb Wells
29  John Paul Tremblay
16  Mike Smith
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  3  Lucy Decoutere
14  Snoop Dogg
  1  Brian Heighton
  1  Doug Benson
  2  Rasheed Monthgomery
  8  Tom Arnold
Misc 4


Season 10 Ep 9: Thugged Out Gangsta Shit - 91

11  Robb Wells
26  John Paul Tremblay
18  Mike Smith
  3  Lucy Decoutere
21  Snoop Dogg
  8  John Dunsworth
  2  Candy Palmater
  2  Shelley Thompson


Season 10 Ep 10: Looks Like the Liquor Wins - 49

  6  Robb Wells
17  John Paul Tremblay
11  Mike Smith
  1  Lucy Decoutere
  2  Jacob Rolfe
  6  Jonathan Torrens
  6  John Dunsworth


Season 11 Ep 1: The Jack Your Cock Furry Whore Slut - 172

107  Robb Wells
    3  John Paul Tremblay
  50  Mike Smith
    1  Marguerite McNeil
    5  Tyrone Parsons
    2  John Dunsworth
Misc 4


Season 11 Ep 2: The Walker Zombley - 199

99  Robb Wells
34  John Paul Tremblay
35  Mike Smith
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  2  Cory Bowles
  1  Marguerite McNeil
  1  Jeanna Harrison
  4  Michael Kennedy
  5  Sarah Dunsworth
  2  John Dunsworth
Misc 15


Season 11 Ep 3: My Fucking Balls, My Cock, My Hole or My Tits? - 154

76  Robb Wells
30  John Paul Tremblay
28  Mike Smith
  2  Sam Tarasco
  2  Jacob Rolfe
  2  Sarah Dunsworth
  2  Marguerite McNeil


Season 11 Ep 4: Darth Lahey - 158

82  Robb Wells
38  John Paul Tremblay
25  Mike Smith
  2  John Dunsworth
  7  George Green
  1  Marguerite McNeil
Misc 3


Season 11 Ep 5: Flight of the Bumblecock - 208

112  Robb Wells
  43  John Paul Tremblay
  35  Mike Smith
    7  Michael Kennedy
    1  Sarah Dunsworth
    2  George Green
    1  John Dunsworth
    7  Dax Ravina


Season 11 Ep 6: How Do You Keep Your Bag So Soft? - 158

75  Robb Wells
31  John Paul Tremblay
35  Mike Smith
10  Sam Tarasco
  3  John Dunsworth
  3  Grant MacIssac
Misc 1


Season 11 Ep 7: I Look Like a FUCKING DICK!! - 171

94  Robb Wells
41  John Paul Tremblay
22  Mike Smith
  3  John Dunsworth
  1  Tyrone Parsons
  1  George Green
Misc 9


Season 11 Ep 8: A Liquor Captain Never Abandons a Sinking Shit Ship - 176

69  Robb Wells
49  John Paul Tremblay
41  Mike Smith
  5  Snoop Dogg
  8  John Dunsworth
  1  Patrick Roach
Misc 3


Season 11 Ep 9: Oh My Fuck Boys, We Killed Lahey & Randy - 242

67  Robb Wells
42  John Paul Tremblay
27  Mike Smith
  4  Cory Bowles
  8  Jacob Rolfe
27  John Dunsworth
66  Shamier Anderson
  1  George Green


Season 11 Ep 10: The All You Can Eat Shit Buffet - 194

80  Robb Wells
34  John Paul Tremblay
13  Mike Smith
32  John Dunsworth
  2  Cory Bowles
  1  Patrick Roach
  9  Tyrone Parsons
14  Shamier Anderson
  7  George Green
Misc 2


Season 12 Ep 1: Chlamydia - 260

122  Robb Wells
  20  John Paul Tremblay
  68  Mike Smith
    1  John Dunsworth
  29  Susan Kent
    3  Jeanna Harrison
    4  Sarah Dunsworth
    6  Jacob Rolfe
    2  Marguerite McNeil
Misc 5


Season 12 Ep 2: Godspeed My Muscular Friend - 146

77  Robb Wells
15  John Paul Tremblay
35  Mike Smith
  1  Cory Bowles
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  3  John Dunsworth
13  Marguerite McNeil
Misc 1


Season 12 Ep 3: The Cunt Word - 186

74  Robb Wells
13  John Paul Tremblay
44  Mike Smith
19  Susan Kent
  7  John Dunsworth
18  Sarah Dunsworth
  5  Marguerite McNeil
  1  Tyrone Parsons
Misc 5


Season 12 Ep 4: All The Shit I Need - 111

49  Robb Wells
15  John Paul Tremblay
22  Mike Smith
  3  John Dunsworth
  5  Susan Kent
  1  Jacob Rolfe
  1  Marguerite McNeil
  2  Sarah Dunsworth
Misc 13


Season 12 Ep 5: Happy Birthday Bubbles - 188

55  Robb Wells
45  John Paul Tremblay
55  Mike Smith
10  John Dunsworth
  1  Jeanna Harrison
  1  Marguerite McNeil
  1  Sarah Dunsworth
  8  George Green
  2  Tyrone Parsons
  1  Doug Barron
  1  Keegan Blue
  5  Kim Dunn
Misc 3


Season 12 Ep 6: Flow Me The Money - 216

131  Robb Wells
  16  John Paul Tremblay
  25  Mike Smith
    2  John Dunsworth
    1  Patrick Roach
    5  George Green
    1  Karen LeBlanc
    1  Jacob Rolfe
    6  Kim Dunn
  15  Mike Cerrone
    6  Marguerite McNeil
    3  Brian Heighton
    2  Jeanna Harrison
Misc 2


Season 12 Ep 7: Big Cock - 196

97  Robb Wells
28  John Paul Tremblay
44  Mike Smith
  6  John Dunsworth
  1  George Green
12  David Rossetti
  5  Michael Kennedy
Misc 3


Season 12 Ep 8: Will You For To Be Fucking Married To Me? - 166

59  Robb Wells
18  John Paul Tremblay
48  Mike Smith
17  John Dunsworth
18  Susan Kent
  6  George Green


Season 12 Ep 9: Angel Shit Sent Down From Jesus God - 235

102  Robb Wells
  26  John Paul Tremblay
  65  Mike Smith
  18  John Dunsworth
    1  Tyrone Parsons
  12  George Green
    8  David Rossetti
Misc 3


Season 12 Ep 10: Fuckin' Fucked Out Of Our Fuckin' Minds - 244

117  Robb Wells
  42  John Paul Tremblay
  71  Mike Smith
    1  John Dunsworth
    3  Sarah Dunsworth
    2  Susan Kent
    1  Karen LeBlanc
Misc 7
